Scale Inhibitors
Each NF/RO system is unique, and requires a tailored chemical approach based on the incoming feed water quality. Using PWT’s ProDose software, each client is provided a customized report detailing the best product and dosage rate for their system. PWT’s Dendriplex technology is changing the science of membrane chemistry, while providing a phosphate free alternative reducing the negative impact on the environment. Dendriplex technology is also available as an 11x super concentrate reducing shipping and/or storage requirements, ideal for small facilities or international shipment. Our proprietary line of antiscalants offer a comprehensive solution to maximize the efficiency, economy, and longevity of your system.
ProDose XPRT™ Scaling Prediction Software
ProDose XPRT™ provides immediate dosage capabilities for our specialty chemicals. The software can create cases to study multiple operating conditions, and directly enter concentrate analyses leading to the optimal selection of PWT product and dosage.