New OptiClean™ +

OptiClean™ + powder membrane cleaners, which include “low” and “high” pH formulations, have been reformulated to be nonhazardous for easy shipment. The new cleaners retain their cleaning strength and are highly effective in remove inorganic and organic foulants from today’s polyamide thin-film composite and hollow fiber membranes. Each powdered cleaner has been enhanced to include high ionic solution strength that aids the cleaning action by creating an osmotic effect. With 4 new formulations to offer, these are specifically designed to serve varying system needs.

Click here to find the list of all our OptiClean™ + Kosher certified products.
Click here to find the list of all our OptiClean™ + Halal certified products.

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NSF Approved

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OptiClean™ A+

OptiClean™ A+ is a low pH (acidic) powdered cleaner targeting broad spectrum scale removal from all common water treatment membranes. This new formulation features chelants, solubilizing agents combined with high ionic solution strength to help lift and remove metal hydroxides, carbonates, phosphates and other similar scales for the membrane surface.

Benefits & Features

  • Buffered pH to maintain optimum cleaning performance throughout cleaning cycle
  • Nonhazardous formulation provides safer handling
  • Best results when used in with OptiClean™ B+
  • Classified for use in membrane systems producing drinking water (ANSI/NSF/CAN Standard 60)


  • For use on RO, NF, UF, MF membranes
  • To aid in removal of inorganic scales and metal hydroxides

OptiClean™ A+

Appearance White powder
pH (2% solution) 2.50 - 3.50
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OptiClean™ B+

OptiClean™ B+ is a high pH (alkaline) powdered cleaner ideal for removing organic, biological, and particulate matter from all common water treatment membranes. OptiClean™ B+ now features a high ionic solution strength, creating an osmotic effect that pulls permeate back through the membrane lifting deposits from the membrane surface to enhance the cleaning action. The formulation has been optimized to be nonhazardous, simplifying shipping and handling.

Benefits & Features

  • Highly effective against organic and biological foulants
  • Buffered pH to maintain optimum cleaning performance throughout cleaning cycle
  • Nonhazardous formulation provides safer handling
  • Best results when used in with OptiClean™ A+
  • Classified for use in membrane systems producing drinking water (ANSI/NSF/CAN Standard 60)


  • For use on RO, NF, UF, MF membranes
  • To aid in removal of particulate, organic, microbiological and other acid insoluble foulants from the membrane surface

OptiClean™ B+

Appearance White powder
pH (2% solution) 10.50 - 12.50
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Chemical safety is important. Please use caution when handling our specialty chemicals.

OptiClean™ G+

OptiClean™ G+ is a high pH (alkaline) powdered cleaner ideal for removing organic, biological, and particulate matter from all common water treatment membranes. Ideal for periodic maintenance cleans, well water, and other light loading applications. OptiClean™ G+ now features a high ionic solution strength, creating an osmotic effect that pulls permeate back through the membrane lifting deposits from the membrane surface to enhance the cleaning action. The formulation has been optimized to be nonhazardous, simplifying shipping and handling.

Benefits & Features

  • Formulated to dissolve organic precipitants from the membrane surface
  • Buffered pH to maintain optimum cleaning performance throughout cleaning cycle
  • Nonhazardous formulation provides safer handling
  • Classified for use in membrane systems producing drinking water (ANSI/NSF/CAN Standard 60)


  • For use on RO, NF, UF, MF membranes
  • To aid in removal of particulate, organic, microbiological and other acid insoluble foulants from the membrane surface

OptiClean™ G+

Appearance White powder
pH (2% solution) 9.00 - 10.00
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OptiClean™ N+

OptiClean™ N+ is a near neutral pH, enzyme activated powdered cleaner ideal for removing organic, biological, and particulate matter from all common water treatment membranes. Provides cleaning at milder pH conditions extending membrane life and is ideal for membrane systems troubled by high organic and/or biological loading. OptiClean™ N+ now features a high ionic solution strength, creating an osmotic effect that pulls permeate back through the membrane lifting deposits from the membrane surface to enhance the cleaning action. The formulation has been optimized to be nonhazardous, simplifying shipping and handling.

Benefits & Features

  • Enzymes are biodegradable and environmentally friendly chemical alternatives
  • Cleaning at moderate pH and temperature improves membrane longevity
  • Buffered pH to maintain optimum cleaning performance throughout cleaning cycle
  • Nonhazardous formulation provides safer handling
  • Classified for use in membrane systems producing drinking water (ANSI/NSF/CAN Standard 60)


  • For use on RO, NF, UF, MF membranes
  • To aid in removal of organic and microbiological foulants from the membrane surface

OptiClean™ N+

Appearance White powder
pH (1% solution) 8.00 - 9.00
Download Specsheet

Chemical safety is important. Please use caution when handling our specialty chemicals.

CIP Calculator

Be sure to properly calculate your cleaning solution.

Use PWT’s CIP calculator

ProDose XPRT™ Scaling Prediction Software

ProDose XPRT™ provides immediate dosage capabilities for our specialty chemicals. The software can create cases to study multiple operating conditions, and directly enter concentrate analyses leading to the optimal selection of PWT product and dosage.